I don’t know why I glossed over that : I listen to each WritingExcuses podcast, at least 3 times on the first day and as much in the following days. I guess, I did gloss over that, because it was said during the advertising phase; however, I did pick it up this morning as I was listening to this issue for like the tenth time. The guest was describing a book he had liked and just said it was steampunk.
I had like no idea what that meant, so I used my friend, Dr Wikipedia to know what that genre was. I expected this to be a SF genre – it sounded too much like cyberpunk to my ear, but I found out that it was often in a fantasy setting.

To describe it simply, this steampunk genre deals about settings in victorian-like times, where the source of power is based on steam.
Uh, my setting is definitely slightly post victorian; I had intended it to be like early twenties, but when alpha reader told me that it had a victorian feel, I knew that I had something there, even if it wasn’t exactly what I had thought it would be.
May-I also point out that the streetlamps in my novel are called ‘vapor-lights’, that they use ‘vapor-engines’ for transportation?

I could as well have used the word steam instead of vapor and no one would have seen the difference.

I’m definitely writing steampunk, then, so I can be happy, I have a subgenre now, I can submit to the right editors, agents, and whatnot.

I’ll just have to change the title, so that it has a more steampunky feel – I should have said vaporpunky here 🙂

On another note, that climax chapter doesn’t seem to want to stop : for three sessions straight (and productive ones at that), I wrote that chapter. I’m now more into what happens right after the climax, but I’m still not done here.
I wonder if I shouldn’t split that one in two distinct chapters : I had originally thought that the after part would be small and that I would deflate tension too much if I changed chapters here.
The thing is, right now, I feel like I’m writing something that should be there, but is way too big to just stay in one chapter, as if the writing called out to get out of that single chapter.

At least, the project is almost done, I’ve done my Shakespeare here (meaning, I’ve killed a number of characters), and all I need to do is show what events should occur now than the story is over.

About numbers, I’m currently at 125k, I still have a couple thousands to write in the current chapter, one regular chapter and the epilogue. That should bring me a little over 130k overall.
That gives me enough meat to significantly cut down on the cryptography stuff that someone I know hates that much!

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