It’s funny how things come to mind where you have to sit somewhere and have nothing else to do than think.

I hate having to cut my hair, always have. When I was little, my mother couldn’t drag me there and keep me seated for what appeared to be hours without end. So, to me, getting my hair cut is a little like going to the dentist : something I will only do when I have no other choice.

It turns out that as I grew old, I became less and less talkative when I am in the chair. Hairdressers love to chat, but I don’t. One of the causes is probably the fact that I’m so short-sighted that when I’m forced to be anywhere without my glasses, it feels like I’m in a bubble three feet wide. In those cases, all the world shuts out to me and I’m sitting all by myself in the chair. The woman cutting my hair could do anything, I wouldn’t know : there, it’s just me, myself and I.

So, today, I got to sit for 20 minutes while the hairdresser operated on me. It’s a little like being trapped between waking and sleeping, your mind wonders on little things. As a writer, those things tend to be about the next book. Today, I saw new things while sitting in that chair. My main character for instance is now much clearer to me, as is part of the plot. I even imagined a scene in my mind.

Then, lightning struck. As I envisioned part of the scene, I saw my character bathed in a golden light.

I then thought “I got the title of the book : Golden shower.” About then, a big smile appeared on my lips. “Now, that sort of title can be interpreted multiple ways.” Yes, I have that kind of wicked mind to be able to see those associations.

I can tell you I’m tempted to keep the “Golden” part, just to dare anyone to do the joke.

Well, that’s not that sort of book, so I’m afraid I’ll have to change the title to something a little more neutral. Now, when I see the scene in my mind, the light isn’t yellow anymore, it’s green (Yep, I can rewrite the scene in my head as many times as I want – Luxury!).

Anyway, I now give you the working title of my new novel : Emerald Shower.

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