Monday and tuesday have been great sessions – words have literally flown out of my fingers, with few interruptions for things like finding synonyms when I felt that I was repeating myself.

Guess what, another bad person viewpoint. I’ll stay with my current therapy and not give you any numbers, but another milestone was crossed last night, without me realizing it.

Now, the evening has been quite rude for my protagonist and as she’s the person in the most pain, she should be the next viewpoint character. The thing is, I have a great starting line for another viewpoint, so I guess I’ll go with him instead. This could relieve some dramatic effect if I’m not careful here.


On another note, monday’s writing excuses weekly podcast was about how roleplaying could affect you as a writer. Very fun to listen to – this brought back some fond memory. As I said before, I was a very lenient game master and I practically let my players get away with anything. Ok, now and then, I’ve been known to throw a thing or two at them out of the blue out of pure spite at them wreaking havoc on my carefully planned campaign. You could say : great, you’re a discovery writer, you could adapt to the player’s actions easily. Turns out that at the time, I used to be an outliner! As I think on it now, I think I am a discovery writer when I actually write. As my social skills are not that good, I can’t change an oral story on the spot, I needed the outline to help me tell the story, so I was quite annoyed when the players invariably went out of my outline.

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